Different applications, always OpenPi – our products
360° insights: comprehensive evaluations of complex systems
Category Service
Deriving key figures, set up mass and energy balances, evaluate the quality of measurements, calculate efficiency ratios, forecasting resource consumptions, allocate CO2 emissions, finding optimisation potentials and bottlenecks, for different operation states and various assessment periods.
For many engineers, these are daily and at the same time tedious tasks. Tedious, because many steps are necessary between raw data in the data acquisition system and the desired results. And these steps are very time-consuming in the conventional way - directly in the data acquisition or after export into a spreadsheet.
Based on process data and the respective plant documentation, P&I schemes, As-built drawings, DCS printouts etc., we create for OpenPi.360 precise process engineering models up to complete digital (plant) twins, including the associated visualisations and the necessary reporting functions. For comprehensive 360° data insights for any operating status, at any time, from anywhere.
For the implementation of our 360° data insights wie use OpenPi.Web. Thus OpenPi.360 becomes a very easy to use tool for monitoring and optimising industrial utilities.

Simple, secure and flexible: OpenPi as web application

Category Web application
Find dozens of MB data files in the DropBox and say something meaningful about it within short time? Synchronise measured values with different date intervals? Combine process data from different files? Set up balances with raw values? Determine densities, energy contents, efficiencies?
All this becomes a child's play with OpenPi.Web. Because we realise that every plant, every automation system and every operating data acquisition system is different. Engineers therefore need – in terms of "data technology" – less specific SQL, Python and statistics expertise, but rather a tool that already can do this. With a powerful import, the right calculations in place, a clean, fast visualisation, backed up by a powerful dataserver.
OpenPi.Web is operated via the browser, with a robust import routine, users can store raw data of any format, organise the derived channels, create calculations, set up diagrams and share them with others. Other raw data can be added, exported and deleted again if required. All dynamically, as intuitive to be used as to be expected nowadays.
Thus monitoring and optimisation of industrial utilities gets significantly simplified. OpenPi.Web is a crucial tool for our 360° data insights and runs of cource on a dedicated OpenPi.Server.
With OpenPi always up-to-date
Category Service
A classic task for engineers: analysing measured values at regular intervals, creating reports, verifying normal operation and describing deviations. Such monitoring can take place annually - e.g. for the annual report or as part of recurring certification - or on a daily basis while a system is being commissioned or test runs are being carried out. We offer what is necessary for this as an independent service. Supporting or complete, as required.
With OpenPi.Monitoring we realise the punctual import or configure an auto-import if possible for the customer, develop the necessary evaluations and set up the required reports.
For complex systems, OpenPi.Monitoring can be based on the relevant plant documentation, P&I diagrams, as-built drawings, DCS print screens, etc. as OpenPi.360. We then create precise process engineering calculation models, including complete digital (plant) twins. The associated visualisations and reporting functions become part of the monitoring.
During the term, OpenPi.Web is part of our offering, making it very easy for everyone involved to coordinate and access the monitoring results at any time, from anywhere.

Couldn't be more private: your own data server

Category On-premise
Do you still store data in csv or xls* files? Or are you working with a database that you are not happy with? It's clear that fast and secure access to process data is a prerequisite for optimal results. Especially as process data can be available in many different ways - as raw, single or average values with regular intervals, with SI or non-SI units, in the gas phase for dry or wet state, (e.g. O2) corrected or not, as gauge or absolute pressure, etc.
For this matter we offer our clients professional OpenPi data servers with the necessary databases and associated I/O functions, on which process data can be easily stored and retrieved. Without having to export it beforehand. Dedicated or On-premise.
Depending on the respective process with its measuring points and the data generated on the one hand and the desired users, user groups and their roles on the other, we set up a costumer specific OpenPi.Server. As a new data acquisition system or on top of an existing solution. Our data server is "API ready" and can therefore be used for a wide range of tasks relating to the analysis and visualisation of process data.
OpenPi.Server is an essential basis for monitoring and optimising industrial utilities and therefore also for our 360° data insights.
Upgrade for Data Acquisitions Systems
Category On-premise
The operating data acquisition can't do what it should? In technical systems, data acquisition systems are primarily used to store and visualise the data generated. Special convenience, additional analyses, further import/export functions are less required at the beginning, but become more important in the course of operation.
Replacing the data acquisition system is expensive and often not even necessary. With OpenPi.DAS+ we close the gap between the existing operating data acquisition and what users need in terms of data handling. To do this, we create a system-specific solution similar to OpenPi.Monitoring, but with a permanent data connection, including all the analyses, calculations and reports required on the system.
OpenPi.DAS+ uses the same user interface as OpenPi.Web but will be installed locally On-premise – as the OpenPi.Server –, with advantages for security and speed of data transfer.

Functions library for engineers

Category On-premise
The density of air at ambient pressure and 200 °C? The energy content of saturated steam at 50 bar? The calorific value of a lean gas with a defined composition? Specific heat capacities, thermal conductivities, radiation coefficients, pressure losses, etc.? - Such things are calculated using process engineering functions. The functions for determining the water-vapour table values, for example, are well known.
With OpenPi.Functions we maintain an extensive library of such functions and use them to model technical process and implement the models in OpenPi.
If the models shall be runned outside of OpenPi – e.g. for the technical documentation of a process section or specific customer analyses – we make OpenPi.Functions as library available for our clients. The library is documented with references, regularly updated and expanded as required.