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Target group: production engineers, planers & consultants, authority employees, project managers, scientists

Find 100 MB data in the DropBox and say something useful about it just one hour later? Synchronise measured values with different date intervals? Combine process data from different files? Set up balances with raw values? Determine densities, energy contents, efficiencies?

All this becomes a child's play with OpenPi.Web. Because we realise that every plant, every automation system and every operating data acquisition system is different. Engineers therefore need – in terms of "data technology" – less specific SQL, Python and statistics expertise, but rather a tool that already can do this. With a powerful import, the right calculations in place, a clean, fast visualisation, backed up by a powerful dataserver.


OpenPi.Web is operated via the browser, with a robust import routine, users can store raw data of any format, organise the derived channels, create calculations, set up diagrams and share them with others. Other raw data can be added, exported and deleted again if required. All dynamically, as intuitive to be used as to be expected nowadays.

Thus monitoring and optimisation of industrial utilities gets significantly simplified. OpenPi.Web is a crucial tool for our 360° data insights and runs of cource on a dedicated OpenPi.Server.

OpenPi.Web is based on OpenPi, our platform for the easiest handling of data from industrial utilities – process and supplier independent, fast, elaborate and transparent

Interested? Write us: hello@openpi .com