Process analysis

Analyzing single measurements in common is often not problem. However, what happens if for a heat exchanger the measured temperatures and the prior calculated volume flow belong together, but the values do not match the transferred heat flux? Are the volume flow or the temperatures not correct? Or the model for the heat transfer? This is how process analysis begins.

Process analyses are often carried out for planning in existing plants, for the preparation of individual offers or for operational optimization (then often as a basis for monitoring). To match the process - often in the form of P&D schemes or print screens from automation – with the measured values is often a major challenge here.

In OpenPi, we have developed a universal API interface* for this purpose and together with it a simple add-in for spreadsheet applications. The add-in is fast, has all the functions required for process analysis and thus makes digital twins and more elaborate Data Science projects a breeze.

* this interface can also be used for custom solutions

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